


蠡湖因范蠡偕西施泛舟湖上而得名,地处中国江苏省无锡市区西南部,形如葫芦,景色秀美,是太湖伸入无锡的一个内湖。蠡湖国家湿地公园主要包括了蠡湖、长广溪大桥以北及其周边一定区域,地理坐标为:东经120°13′10.60″~120°17′39.99″,北纬31°29′38.07″~31°32′54.03″,总面积1026.26 公顷,是一个典型的湖泊型湿地公园。公园内包含了蠡湖中央公园、渤公岛生态公园、水居苑、蠡湖大桥公园、长广溪湿地公园、宝界公园等11具有完整游览要素的子公园,于2013年被国家林业局评为国家湿地公园,集湿地保护、湿地旅游与湿地科普宣教于一体。


Lihu Lake ,People changed the name of Wuli Lake into Lihu Lake in memory of Fanli and Xishi,is located in the southwest of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province.It is an interior lake in Wuxi city. Stretching from Taihu Lake, the gourd-shaped lake has beautiful wetland scenery.Lihu Lake National The Wetland Park mainly includes Lihu, north of Changguangxi Bridge and a certain area around it,covering 120°13′10.60″~120°17′39.99 degrees east longitude and 31°29′38.07″~31°32′54.03″degrees north latitude, The total area is 102,626 hectares, is a typical lake wetland park. Here are eleven subordinate gardens of Lihu lake central park, Bodao Island ecological park, waterland park, Lihu Bridge park, Changguangxi wetland park, Baojie park.





Brief Introduction of Lihu Lake National Wetland Park


Lihu Lake is also named as Wuli Lake, Qihu Lake or Xiaowuhu Lake. According to the legend, Fanli, who is the famous minister, and his lover Xishi, who is the top beauty in Chunqiu Period have once spent canoeing in the Wuli Lake. People changed the name of Wuli Lake into Lihu Lake in memory of Fanli. Lihu Lake, covering 120°12′52″~120°16′53 degrees east longitude and 31°30′22″~31°33′10″degrees north latitude, is located in the southwest of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. It is an interior lake in Wuxi city. Stretching from Taihu Lake, the gourd-shaped lake has beautiful wetland scenery. Lihu Lake is the main body of Lihu Lake National Wetland Park. The wetland park, including Lihu lake and the surrounding area, is a typical lake wetland park. The 823.9-hectare wetland covers 73.29 percent of the whole park.

Lihu wetland is an area with prominent ecological features, wetland landscape, rich biodiversity and flat terrain with ground drop only 4 meters. The main soil types are moisture soil and paddy. There are many types of wetland in the park which are swamps, lakes, rivers and constructed wetland, permanent river, permanent fresh lake, marsh and pond.

Holding the concept of “conservation first, scientific restoration, wise use and sustainable development” in the course of design and construction, the park has successively completed six construction projects: ecological dredging, sewage intercepting, returning fishing area back to lake area, dynamic water change, ecological restoration, lakeshore regulation and round-lake tree belt planting. Depending on the illustrious Wu Culture, local farming culture and the historical stories of Zhangbo flood-control and Fanli & Xishi boating in the lake, the wetland park highlights the harmonious integration of the wetland culture and the landscape. Based on the deep and illustrious culture of the Lihu Lake area, fifteen subordinate gardens of Lihu lake park, central park, Bodao Island ecological park, waterland park, Lihu Bridge park, Changguangxi wetland park, Baojie park are successively restored, highlighting the unique Southern China Garden and modern garden architecture characteristics.

After ten years of construction, Lihu wetland park incorporating functions of wetland protection, wetland-tourism attraction and wetland science popularization education, was approved as national wetland park by the State Forestry Bureau in 2013. As a name card of Wuxi city, the Lihu Lake Park serves as a kind of role model incorporating wetland protection, wise use, functions display and science popularization education over the years.

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